domingo, 18 de novembro de 2007

Pra começar a semana muito bem

Pense numa cantora boa de se ouvir. Madeleine Peyroux nasceu nos Estados Unidos, mas morou na França. No período em que viveu na Europa, percorreu vários países para cantar clássicos do jazz.
O repertório da moça tem várias, várias músicas deliciosas. Escolho essa pra compartilhar nesse blog porque tem uma leveza e um otimismo que espero que caracterizem os próximos dias.
Bons ventos nos conduzam!


He made me laugh
He made me cry
He smoked his doggies in bed
But I'm all right
I'm all right
I've been lonely before
I asked the boy for a few kind words
He gave me a novel instead
But I'm all right
I'm all right
I've been lonely before
It's fine, it's OK
It was wrong either way
I just wanted to say
There isn't much fun when you're drinking wine
He got drunk, he fell down
He threw a few of my things around
But I'm all right
I'm all right
I've been lonely before

I'd like to believe healthy cigarettes
But I have to conceive that wherever you are
You're still driving my car
Sticks and stones break my bones
But tears don't leave any scars
So I'm all alright
I'm all alright
I've been lonely before

I'm all alright
I'm all alright
I'm all alright
He played solitaire in bed
Used to blow bubbles in bed
He sang Christmas songs in bed

2 comentários:

Ilis disse...

"But tears don't leave any scars"
ótima sugestão.

Anônimo disse...

lindo, né? lindo lindo. beijim!